
As a participant in an Asset manager project, you will be able to give price proposals for asset categories and see the current state of the project.


Overview of asset manager projects

Overview of asset manager projects

Starting point for participants is the Asset manager > Participant screen. Here, you have an overview of all projects that you were invited in. You can see the name, asset type, current status, timeline and the managing company. Clicking on any project that is not in the setup phase will open the Details (link) screen.


Timeline of an asset manager project

Timeline of an asset manager project

The timeline graphic shows the different phases for an asset project. During the setup phase, the project owner defines the timeline based on his expectations and plannings. However, there might be changes during the project period.


Details of an asset manager project

Details of an asset manager project

The details screen shows the main details of the project. Here, you can find images and some information of the asset (e.g. serial number, asset type and the current status of the project). Below that, the asset owner is able to offer a detailed project description. The buttons on top allow you to show uploaded files [icon file] and close [icon close] the details screen.

Asset categories

Asset categories of an asset manager project

Asset categories of an asset manager project

Below the details, you will find the asset categories that are currently available to you. The overview contains an image of the asset category, its name and your current bid total. Each asset category is clickable and will open the details for it.

Asset categories details

Asset categories details of an asset manager project

Asset categories details of an asset manager project

Similar to the main details, you will find images and a description by clicking on an asset category. Only interested participants can bid on either the whole category or on specific part numbers and will receive updates on the category via e-mail. If you want to let the project owner know that you are not interested in this category, you can choose so with the checkbox and clicking save. You will also no longer receive updates regarding this category.

Bidding takes place in the lower part of the screen. For whole asset categories, you can place one bid by entering it in the input and clicking ‘Save bid’. If you or someone from your company already placed a bid, it will be overwritten with the new bid.

Asset categories details of an asset category with a part list

Asset categories details of an asset category with a part list

If an asset category contains a part list, the details screen shows the ‘Part bids’ overview. Here, every part number, their available quantity and your current bids can be seen. You can export the part list in CSV format by clicking on the ‘Export part list’ button. In this file, you have two empty fields: bidValuePerQty and bidQuantity. If you wish to bid on one or several part numbers, you can enter your bids in the corresponding rows, save it in the same format and click on the ‘Upload bids’ button.

Upload summary for an asset category with a part list

Upload summary for an asset category with a part list

A successful validation of the file leads to a summary screen with the content of your upload. Clicking the ‘Confirm upload’ button will replace any previous bids you or another user from your company made for this asset category. Make sure to include previous bids in the upload if you wish to keep them.

Internal bids after the internal bidding phase

Internal bids after the internal bidding phase

If you are invited for bidding on an asset category from your own company, you will be able to place internal bids. Internal bids have their own bidding phase and are handled separately from the rest. The bidding process remains the same.


Asset manager projects are split into consecutive phases. Here, you can find an overview of the phases and the potential actions you can do.

Overview of asset project phases

Overview of asset project phases

1. Setup

You will not be able to see any details or information about the Asset manager project in this phase.

2. Initial bidding

If you are invited for bidding on an asset category by a user from your company, you will be able to access the project, see the asset categories and place bids.

3. General bidding

Internal participants can still bid on categories in this phase, however, the bids placed during the initial bidding phase will remain valid. Other participants can start bidding on asset categories now.

4. Settlement

The bidding has concluded and the project owner can now decide which of the received bids he wants to choose. Participants still see their placed bids but will no longer be able to change anything.

5. Finalization

In the finalization phase, participants are able to see whether the project owner selected bids in the respective asset categories or not.