
The asset manager enables the buyer to divide the asset into individual material categories and to pre-sell those categories before the actual purchase of the asset, thereby enabling the submission of a competitive overall bid.


The overview table shows generic information and relevant KPIs about all your Asset Manager projects. It contains the company name of the supplier company, the name or short description of the Asset Manager projects.

Overview of Asset Manager projects

Overview of Asset Manager projects

Create new project

By clicking the ‘Create Project’ button, you are prompted to fill in information about the project details.

Mandatory information are the asset serial number (free text input), the asset type (can be selected from a catalogue of assets), a project name (automatically pre-filled with a combination of asset type and project name, can be changed manually), and a serial number (the MSN of the asset, free text input).

Mandatory fields when creating a new project

Mandatory fields when creating a new project

Additionally, you can toggle buttons to switch between ‘incident-related’ and ‘not incident-related’, as well as ‘confidential’ and ‘not confidential’. You can also choose whether to prompt participants to accept specific Terms and Conditions that you can upload.

Optional information are the last operator (free text input), tail number (free text input), APU model (free text input), date of manufacture (free text input), flight hours (numeric input), engine type (can be selected from a catalogue of engines), and current location of the asset (free text input).

Optional fields when creating a new project

Optional fields when creating a new project

Project owner and asset owner information can be provided in the following section of the project creation form. You fill in the name and email address of the project owner, and you can do the same for the asset owner if you choose. You may also add optional information here regarding the teardown costs, giving further descriptions or by uploading images or files to the project via the buttons below.

Defining the Project timeline is an important step. The timeline defines the length of the bidding phases and provides a guideline for the participants for the time after the bidding phases. The final timeline is presented to you as a graph.

Overview of timeline and input fields

Overview of timeline and input fields

Defining project categories

The content of an asset manager project is structured into categories. To define an asset category, the category type, a title, and a description has to be entered. Asset Manager projects can contain an unlimited number of categories.

Input fields to specify category

Input fields to specify category

Select category participants

There are two types of participants for Asset Manager categories: internal and external participants.

Internal participants are participants from your own company. Only internal participants will have access to the internal bidding phase that takes place before the general bidding phase. They are selected on user level.

External participants are participants from other companies. They will have only access to the general bidding phase that takes place after the internal bidding phase. They are selected on company level, afterwards all users from a selected company with access to Asset Manager can participate in this category.

Selection of internal and external participants

Selection of internal and external participants

You can select available users or companies using the following methods:

  • To select individual users or companies: Mark one or more entries and click the single arrow button “>”.

  • To select all available users or companies at once: Click the double arrow button “>>”.

To deselect already chosen users or companies, use the following methods:

  • To deselect individual users or companies: Mark the entries you wish to remove and click the single arrow button “<”.

  • To deselect all chosen users or companies at once: Click the double arrow button “<<”.

Terms and conditions

Every owner has the possibility to deposit his T&Cs for the sale of the offered assets.

Manage existing project


In this phase, participants will not be able to view any details or information about the Asset Manager project.

Initial bidding

If a participant is invited by a user from their company to bid on an asset category, they will gain access to the project, be able to view the asset categories, and place bids.

General bidding

Internal participants can still place bids on categories in this phase, but the bids made during the Initial Bidding phase will remain valid. Other participants will now be able to start bidding on asset categories as well.


The bidding has concluded, and the project owner can now decide which of the received bids to accept. Participants will still be able to see their submitted bids, but they will no longer be able to make any changes.


In the finalization phase, participants will be able to see whether the project owner has selected bids in the respective asset categories or not.