Bid overview
The bid overview screen provides an overview of all current bids a participant has placed in any Asset Manager project they were invited to.
Only your bids are displayed in this table. You cannot view bids placed by other members of your company.
Export data
By clicking the button on the far right, you can export the current bid data into a CSV file. If you have filtered the data using the free-text search or by project status, only the filtered data will be exported.
Selection status of bids
The icon in the first column shows the selection status of the bids. Hovering over the icon shows a tooltip providing more explanation.
Not-awarded - grey “i”
A bid has been placed but the project owner has yet to do the settlement.
Not-selected - red “-”
Settlement has been completed by the project owner, however, this bid has not been considered.
Partially selected - yellow “check”
Settlement has been completed by the project owner and this bid has been selected but not for the complete quantity.
Selected - green “check”
Settlement has been completed by the project owner and this bid has been selected for the full quantity.
Bid information
The overview table shows further details including the bid value, quantity and settlement details if available.
Project information
The project column provides the corresponding project name and links to the project details. The icon shown next to the project name indicates the status of the project:
Undecided - grey “i”
Project is still in negotation phase between project owner and asset owner. No final decision made.
Won - green “check”
Project has been won by the project owner. Dismantling will start soon.
Lost - red “-”
Project has been lost. No further steps can be taken. All parts that belong to these project will not materialize.